5 No-Cost Ways to Improve Your Performance and Wellbeing
In December, I was featured on The Horse Person Podcast. I loved chatting with Caroline, who brings so much passion to her interviews. Her drive to help riders get the most out of their experiences through the guests she brings on is so evident, and we really hope we delivered some valuable nuggets of information that listeners can apply to their own lives.
In this episode, we explore ways to enhance your performance and well-being while spending little to no money. If you’ve ever wondered:
How can I improve my riding outside of the saddle?
How can I become a calmer competitor?
I only have X hours to ride per week—how can I still make progress?
This episode is for you!
We covered five core topics in the episode:
Strategy and Goal Setting
Relationships and Your Support System
Each topic is packed with actionable insights to help you improve both your performance and overall well-being, in and out of the saddle.
🎧 Listen here: 5 No-Cost Ways to Improve Your Performance and Wellbeing