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Mastering the Mind: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

You may have heard of the terms Fixed or Growth mindset before, but what do they really mean, and why do they even matter?

Let's dive into the essence of these mindsets and explore their importance.


  • Believes that abilities, traits, personality, and intelligence are fixed and do not change much.

  • Shies away from new challenges, fearing the risk of failure and appearing inadequate.

  • Places emphasis on performance rather than effort.

  • Often dismiss feedback as criticism.

  • Pursue perfection and seeks external validation.


  • Believes that abilities, traits, personality, and intelligence evolve over time and can change with learning.

  • Values effort and having a go.

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

  • Seeks feedback as a chance to improve.

  • Is resilient in the face of failure, seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Think about situations in your work or personal life where you've encountered change or challenges. How did you react to them? Did you embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow, or did you shy away in fear of failure? Your answers will provide valuable insight into your mindset.

Becoming aware of your reactions is the first step in taking control of your mindset. Acknowledging your mindset empowers you to make conscious choices, shaping your responses to challenges and fostering personal growth.

Remember, your mindset is not fixed; it can evolve. By focusing on developing a growth mindset, you unlock the door to immense positive change in your life. Embrace challenges, value effort, and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

Your mind is a powerful tool, and harnessing its power is one of the fastest ways to make massive positive change in your life.


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